Pesto Ricotta Pasta is simply made by combining rich and creamy ricotta cheese with fragrant, savory basil pesto, a touch of lemon and sharp pecorino cheese.
Pasta Ricotta Cheese Basil Pesto Lemon Pecorino Romano Cheese
Prep and gather all ingredients. Pull the ricotta and pesto out of the refrigerator and bring them to room temperature about 45 minutes before serving.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Once the water comes to a boil, add salt, then the pasta, stirring frequently.
Mix the ricotta, pesto and lemon zest together in a large bowl.
Cook the pasta until al dente and reserve some of the starchy pasta water.
Transfer the cooked pasta to the ricotta mixture along with the lemon juice, pecorino cheese and black pepper. Mix well.